Everything theyโ€™ve told you about periods is WRONG!!!

Learn the 3 Biggest Secrets to a Symptom-Free Period  

By Joining Us,



Why Birth Control Isn't the Answer For Period Problems (and What To Do Instead)

Birth control is being offered as the magic pill to "regulate" periods. Learn why it's causing more harm than good.


The Top Hormonal Imbalances

Learn what the top hormonal imbalances are that cause PCOS, heavy periods, acne, PMS, mood swings and all the other frustrating monthly symptoms.


How Holistic Health Can Be Affordable and Accessible

I'm going to show you how holistic health can be simplified and fit your budget too.


The REAL Reasons So Many Women Struggle With Their Period Month After Month

So many women deal with monthly symptoms impacting their quality of life.  Some go to their doctor and are told nothing is wrong.  Others ignore it hoping it will get better on its own and some think "I'm a woman and I just have to deal with this." I'm going to show you why and a different way to heal.

"If you need help with your period, Ali is a miracle worker! I thought I was doomed to have horrible periods forever but they have improved so much since I started working with Ali. "


This Masterclass is a Must Attend for...

  • You're a woman who is overwhelmed with how to fix her period because there is so much information from so many sources.
  • You're a woman who is confused because every time you think you have have an answer to your symptoms, you find another source that contradicts that.
  • You're a woman who doesn't want to put a bandaid on your symptoms that has side effects. You have the desire to get to the root cause and find a natural solution.

Women's Health is About to Change in a BIG Way

Whether you've been pushing off trying to figure out why you're feeling PMS symptoms, heavy/irregular periods and acne, or struggling with finding the right treatment approach for you... 2022 can be the big breakthrough year you've been waiting for.
So much has changed in women's health and the addition of treating hormones in a holistic way, but there is no better time for women to jump on board and decide to get the answers they need once and for all. 
Let me teach you a new approach on how to heal your period including ditching symptoms like PMS symptoms, PCOS, painful periods, fertility struggles, bloating and mood swings...forever.

Join me live to finally learn what it takes to have a happy period each month.

A Personal Invitation From Ali...

I love helping women feel empowered towards their health and heal their symptoms from a root cause approach.

I've been in the wellness industry for 12 years and I'm an acupuncturist with a specialty in women's hormonal health. I've discovered the exact ingredients that differentiate women who heal from their hormonal symptoms once and for all and those that are chasing practitioners, treatments and remedies for years.

This brand new masterclass is a culmination of EVERYTHING I've learned through treating women dealing with period problems such as PMS, fatigue, mood swings, painful periods, migraines and more!

If you're committed to finding a solution to your symptoms, I can't wait to cut the learning curve in half to help you get there faster and empower you for the rest of your life.

See You There!

